CH X-Pert Sligo's Tony

Alberta Ormsby with CH X-Pert Sligo's Tony

CH Fraja Don Quixote

CH Fraja Maria's Tia Maria

X-Pert Bud's Brindle Maximillian & Bud's Shaina Samara

CH X-Pert Beers' Aries Thunder

X-Pert Beers' Pisces Powerpac

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One more Westminster Winner of the X-Pert family was whelped on June 28, 1980. That was Ch.X-Pert Sligo's Tony. He was sired by Sligo. His dam was Ch.X-Pert Lady Charo, Black Nellie's daughter. Tony's conformation was very similar to Nellie's. Tony won Westminster on February 14, 1983. The judge was Anne Marie Moore. That was wonderful day for X-Pert's! Here is Tony's pedigree.

 CH Sligo McCarthy  X-Pert Brindle Tiger  X-Pert Brown's Northern Yuma
 X-Pert Black Nellie
 X-Pert Brindle Nellie  X-Pert Brindle Rocky
 CH X-Pert Glamorous Goldie
 CH X-Pert Lady Charo  CH Nugent's Spanky Of Our Gang CD  CH Jandi's Ringo CD
 CH X-Pert Humes' Topsy
 X-Pert Black Nellie  CH Uppies X-Pert Biff's Shadow
 X-Pert Satin Boots

Clifford Ormsby: "Best American Staffordshire Terrier in the show. That Jim Rathbun, who called Mrs.Beers, he handled Tony to his championship and then he handled him to Best of Breed down in New York. He'd come over and he'd say,"I'll be over after him in about fifteen minutes. Come on Tony Balloney." Heh-heh-heh. He worked everything on Tony. He'd go out into that ring, in Madison Square Garden. He'd notice everything in that room. Everything was of interest to Tony. And right away, the judge looked at him. I said,"From the way he looked at him and from the way he was performing," I says, "Boy, he ought to win." And he did. When the judge wasn't looking, the handler went like this at me. ...He was quick on that. She never knew he'd made the motion. Oh, he was great! He was the best man. He charged me more money than the rest of 'em. What was that I tell 'ya? Twenty-five wasn't it? About five dollars more than anybody else. Except that, the trouble of it was, "if I don't charge the same, they're going to talk about me," handler says. He was good all right. Oh, he & Tony worked perfectly. He understood Tony and Tony understood him. And the judge was looking at the dog and looking at him and he says, "He's got it all right, she's got her eye on him." You can tell, you know. Once she turned her face and she couldn't see him, he went like this to me. It's a good advertisement, having a Staff like that, a winner at the Garden, you know."

CH X-Pert Sligo's Tony took BOB at Westminster 83

In 1981 CH X-Pert Bruyette Beauty was bred to CH Fraja Don Quixote. That Don Quixote dog was sired by Sligo and out of CH Fraja Maria's Tia Maria.

CH X-Pert Bruyette Beauty

X-Pert Beers' foundation bitch was from that breeding. On March 3, 1981 she was born. She was named CH X-Pert Beers' Sadie A Lady.

 CH Fraja Don Quixote  CH Sligo McCarthy  X-Pert Brindle Tiger
 X-Pert Brindle Nellie
 CH Fraja Maria's Tia Maria  CH Mari-Don Mr Beau Jangles
 CH Fraja Black Maria
 CH X-Pert Bruyette Beauty  CH X-Pert Roman Grit  CH Sooner's True Grit Of Rhody
 X-Pert Black Nellie
 CH X-Pert Lady Charo  CH Nugents Spanky Of OurGang
 X-Pert Black Nellie

CH X-Pert Beers' Sadie A Lady

Dennis Brinkworth of Buffalo, NY owned McCarthy's X-Pert Little Mick and X-Pert Brinkworth's Bud. Little Mick was John Mccarthy breeding of his Nellie II to Roman Grit. Brinkworth's Bud was litterbrother of Roman Grit. Dennis bred his foundation pair to produce Peggy Doster's first dogs, X-Pert Bud's Brindle Maximillian and X-Pert Bud's Shaina Samara. Max was very Brindle Tiger in type, in fact he looks very like Tiger. Max & Shaina had magnificient pedigree.

 X-Pert Brinkworth's Bud  CH Sooner's True Grit Of Rhody  CH Beau Ringo UD
 X-Pert Brandy CD
 X-Pert Black Nellie  CH Uppies X-Pert Biff's Shadow
 X-Pert Satin Boots
 McCarthy's X-Pert Little Mick  CH X-Pert Roman Grit  CH Sooner's True Grit Of Rhody
 X-Pert Black Nellie
 Nellie II  X-Pert Brindle Tiger
 X-Pert Brindle Nellie

In 1982 Nancy & Edward Beers bred their foundation pair, Ch.X-Pert's Tiger's Bullion x Ch.X-Pert Beers' Sadie A Lady. Ch.X-Pert Beers' Aries Thunder, X-Pert Beers' Pisces Powerpac, Beers' Rufhaus Fallen Angel were born there. Here is their pedigree.

 CH X-Pert Tiger's Bullion  X-Pert Brindle Tiger  X-Pert Brown's Northern Yuma
 X-Pert Black Nellie
 X-Pert June Apple  CH Sooner's True Grit Of Rhody
 X-Pert Black Nellie
 CH X-Pert Beers' Sadie A Lady  CH Fraja Don Quixote  CH Sligo McCarthy
 CH Fraja Maria's Tia Maria
 CH X-Pert Bruyette Beauty  CH X-Pert Roman Grit
 CH X-Pert Lady Charo

In 1983 Sadie A Lady's littersister, Ch.X-Pert Show Stopper was bred to Ch.Sligo McCarthy to produce Ch.X-Pert Sligo's Abbey. Here is her photo. 

CH X-Pert Sligo's Abbey

Here is her pedigree.

 CH Sligo McCarthy  X-Pert Brindle Tiger  X-Pert Brown's Northern Yuma
 X-Pert Black Nellie
 X-Pert Brindle Nellie  X-Pert Brindle Rocky
 CH X-Pert Glamorous Goldie
 CH X-Pert Beers' Sadie A Lady  CH Fraja Don Quixote  CH Sligo McCarthy
 CH Fraja Maria's Tia Maria
 CH X-Pert Bruyette Beauty  CH X-Pert Roman Grit
 CH X-Pert Lady Charo


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